Training on prevention and treatment of pressure sores, conducted by Hartmann Romania

Training on prevention and treatment of pressure sores, conducted by Hartmann Romania

15 disability professionals in wheelchair services and independent living training from Motivation Romania Foundation attended a course on the treatment and prevention of pressures sores in September. The training was conducted by HARTMANN Romania’s medical counselors with vast experience in treating pressure sores.

Among others, they focused on the causes of pressure sores and how to prevent them, as well as on the treatment of the pressure sores, by using advice provided by Hartmann’s counselors. By using a manikin, the participants were able to inspect different type of pressure sores and practise how to care for them, by using the right dressings, compresses and patches, under the guidance of the counselors at Hartmann. The information is useful for our colleagues who are part of the active rehabilitation program, as well as for helping and counseling people with spinal cord injuries to maintain their health and lead an active life style.

Pressure sores can be a major health issue for wheelchair users. They occur because of the continuous pressure applied on a specific body part (especially near a bony prominence), which leads to the blood not properly flowing to oxygenate the tissue, or provide it with nutrients. When it comes to people with spinal cord injuries, fractures or other neurological affections, the main causes leading to their occurrence are pressure, friction and shearing. Because of the lack of sensibility and mobility, people with spinal cord injuries are some of the most exposed to this type of life threatening  medical issues.

Hartmann’s specialists are available to provide information and services to those having pressure sores through phone counseling sessions at the toll free number 0800 800 943 (open Monday to Friday, between 9:00 and 16:00) as well as through their dedicated online platform –

Hartmann has also joined Motivation Romania Foundation in September, in a project dedicated to our beneficiaries who deal with pressure sores, through the “Fapte Mici” (Small Deeds) Initiative.

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