Terms and Conditions

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Motivation Romania Foundation

Please read the following provisions thoroughly, together with the clauses in the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, because they apply whenever you visit our Website or in your interactions with us, in any other manner, by means of it.

Chapter I – General Provisions

The meaning of certain terms

  1. The terms used herein below, unless otherwise stipulated, shall have the following meanings:
  • We/the Foundation/Controller shall mean: Motivation Romania Foundation, a non-governmental, non-profit organization, incorporated in reliance upon and under the Romanian law, having tax identification code 7081193, headquartered in Ilfov, Commune of Cornetu, Village of Buda, no. 1 Podișor St., Romania, registered in the Registry of Associations and Foundations under no. 36/2003, contact data: email: comunicare@motivation.ro, telephone: +40.21.448.02.42, fax: +40.21.448.11.07, together with all subsidiaries and other entities under its control;
  • Permits/Certificates/Accreditations shall mean: the permits, certificates or accreditations held in place by the Foundation, more specifically: a) Accreditation Certificate for the supply of social services Series AF No. 000243; b) Decision no. 6512830/08 April 2019 on registration in the Registries of religious entities/units to which tax deductions are granted;
  • You//User shall mean: private individual or legal entity which access and use the Website or interact with Us in any other manner;
  • Partners shall mean: the entities with which the Foundation cooperates with a view to conducting certain specific activities in the Project, more specifically: Special Olympics in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Special Olympics Iceland; Special Olympics Lithuania; Special Olympics Montenegro; Special Olympics Romania; Special Olympics Slovakia; Special Olympics Europe Eurasia Foundation; Special Olympics Iceland; The Poznan University of Physical Education. More information about our Partners are available at: https://inclusivesportsforchildren.eu/partners/;
  • Other Partners shall mean: the entities with which the Foundation currently cooperates or with which it will cooperate in the future with a view to conducting activities or projects specific to its business;
  • Project shall mean: One of the projects currently developed by the Foundation, in cooperation with its Partners, in particular the Project “Inclusion through sports for children with developmental disabilities”, financed from the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway Grants, e. the contribution of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway to decrease economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and for strengthening bilateral relationships with the 15 beneficiary states in Eastern and Southern Europe and the Baltic States;
  • Other Projects shall mean: Various projects and activities in which the Foundation is involved or in which it will become involved, by itself or in cooperation with Other Partners.
  • Website shall mean: the Internet page available at: https://motivation.ro/ together with all its sub-pages;
  • Project Website shall mean: the Internet page available at: https://inclusivesportsforchildren.eu, together with all its sub-pages;
  • Terms and Condition shall mean: all provisions contained in this page applicable to the relationship between Us and You, when You access or use the Website or when You interact with Us in any other manner whatsoever;
  • GDPR Policies shall mean: The Privacy Policy available at www.motivation.ro/gdpr and the Cookies Policy available at www.motivation.ro/cookies;
  • Agreement shall mean: The Agreement entered into by means of the Website, whereby you support the activity of the Foundation, by means of donations or sponsorships in that regard;
  • Ministry of Justice shall mean: The specialized body of the central public administration, incorporated, subordinated to the Government of Romania, headquartered in Bucharest, no. 17 Apolodor St., 5th District, telephone: 037 204 1192, E-mail: ongmj@just.ro.
  • ANSPDCP shall mean: The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing, headquartered at No. 28-30 G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru Blvd., 1st District, 010336, Bucharest, Romania, website: https://www.dataprotection.ro/?page=contact&lang=ro

 Enforceable Terms and Conditions. Binding Force.

  1. These Terms and Conditions, together with the GDPR Policies, shall apply to all relationships between You and the Foundation, particularly when you navigate and use the Website, you interact with Us in any manner whatsoever or enter into an Agreement, by means of the Website.
  1. Thus, insofar as you navigate and use the Website or enter into an Agreement, you acknowledge and accept that the relationship between You and the Foundation will fall under these Terms and Conditions and under the GDPR Policies, the provisions contained herein having binding legal force. In legal terms, by using the Website or making a donation or sponsorship, You and the Foundation enter into an agreement the contractual provisions of which consist of the content of these Terms and Conditions, the GDPR Policies and the legal provisions applicable in addition.
  1. Should you disagree with these Terms and Conditions or with any other documents referred to herein, kindly refrain from using the Website.
  1. At the same time, by using the Website, you hereby represent that you satisfy the legal conditions for expressing a valid consent and there is no other legal impediment preventing you to conclude this agreement. The Foundation undertakes no liability if the information provided by You is inaccurate.
  1. In consideration of the provisions herein above, if you are a Romanian citizen, the age starting from which you may, in principle, express a valid consent is 18 years old. If you are not a Romanian citizen, you need to examine the national laws for the conditions in which you may express a valid consent, before using the Website.

 Chapter II – Information existing on the Website

  1. The Website belongs to the Foundation, and is used in order to showcase its activity and to gather donations and sponsorships.
  2. In that regard, the Foundation describes, by means of the Website, in the form of texts, images and video, several activities and projects in which it is involved, for reaching the envisaged purpose.
  3. Furthermore, the Website allows You to support the activity of the Foundation, by donations or sponsorships.

Chapter III – Conclusion of the Agreement

  1. If you wish to support the activity of our Foundation, you may do so by making a donation, by means of the Website.
  1. The Agreement may only be concluded by following the steps indicated on the Website, and You may initiate the process by pressing the “Donate online” button.
  1. After initiating the process, you may select the amount you wish to donate, and fill in the relevant data requested by means of the platform.
  1. Insofar as the data filled in are erroneous, you may rectify them, unless you have completed the process of concluding the Agreement.
  1. After filling in the relevant data, you will be redirected to the page of the payment processor, and the data of a bank card need to be filled in.
  1. After the time indicated above and having authorized the operation, the Agreement will be concluded, and You will receive a confirmation by email in connection with the donation being made, from the institution (bank) having issued the bank card by means of which you performed the payment.
  1. You may also make a donation by means of a Paypal account. Thus, after selecting such option, you will be redirected to the Paypal page where you may select the amount you wish to donate.
  1. Kindly keep in mind that the donation made is irrevocable. In that regard, after concluding the Agreement, you may no longer revoke the donation. The donation made by means of the Website is a manual gift, within the meaning of civil law, and is concluded through the agreement between You and the Foundation, followed by the conveyance of the amount, by transfer to the Foundation.
  1. You will not receive a copy of these Terms and Conditions (The Agreement between You and the Foundation). Should you require such a copy, kindly reserve one by copying the Terms and Conditions in a separate document. Please keep in mind that such copy may only be used as evidence of the Agreement.

Chapter IV – Intellectual Property

  1. The entire content available on the Website (images, texts, diagrams, symbols, web graphic design items, scripts, programs and others similar) is protected by means of intellectual and industrial property rights. Any copying, recording, downloading, conveyance, reproduction, and distribution of the Website content is prohibited, unless in observance of the law and approved by the Foundation.
  1. Teg Foundation enables, but does not undertake any obligations in that respect, access to the Website.
  1. Under the penalties stipulated by law, any unauthorized access to the Website, any use contrary to the purposes for which the Website is provided by the Foundation, any attempt to alter the information or content of the Website, any impairment of the performances of the server dedicated to the Website and other such activities are prohibited. In these cases, the Foundation reserves the right to refer to the competent bodies with a view to investigating such criminal offences.

Chapter V – Personal Data Processing

  1. The Foundation’s Personal Data Processing by means of the Website shall take place in observance of the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy available on the Website. For more details, please consult the information at issue.

Chapter VI – Disclaimer

General Provisions

  1. The Foundation undertakes no liability in connection with the manner in which You use the Website. The Foundation guarantees no outcome in connection with your use of the Website.
  1. In addition, the Foundation undertakes no liability in connection with the downtime of the Website because of various technical issues which could occur or the need for maintenance. You understand and acknowledge that the Foundation cannot be held liable if you cannot access the Website at any given time. At the same time, the Foundation undertakes no liability in connection with the content, information and other similar relating to other websites which may be accessed by means of the Website.
  1. The Website is provided “as is” and no guarantees are expressed in connection with it, and the Foundation may not be compelled to change, to alter or to perform any other operation relating to the content of the Website.
  1. You are solely responsible to make sure that you meet all legal conditions to use the Website and that your activities do not infringe any legal provisions that could apply to you or to your location. In that respect, the Foundation has no obligation to inform you of the regulations or laws applicable to You, the entire responsibility to know them and to act accordingly lies with You.
  1. The Foundation is exonerated from any damages you might incur from using the Website. Insofar as the legal provisions exclude full exoneration from remedy in relation to the damages incurred, then such damages shall be limited to USD 100.

Chapter VII – Other provisions

 Termination of the Agreement

  1. The Foundation reserves the right to no longer post the Website at any time, without the need for any prior notice or advice in that regard.

 Procedure for the settlement of complaints

  1. Any complaints you may have in relation to the Foundation’s activity upon posting on the Website may be submitted to the contact data, preferably by electronic mail.
  1. After such complaint is received, the Foundation shall supply a reply as soon as practicably possible, however, preferably no later than 30 days. Insofar as, in order to settle the complaint, a longer period of time is necessary, the Foundation shall notify you accordingly.
  1. The notification referred to above or any reply to the filed complaint shall be delivered to the electronic mail address from which the complaint was initiated.
  1. Insofar as the case cannot be amicably solved, then the dispute shall be brought before the courts of law holding jurisdiction over the headquarters of the Foundation.

Chapter VIII – Final Provisions

  1. In accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree that the law applicable to the entire agreement shall be the Romanian law, both in terms of form, and of substance.
  1. The venue where this agreement is concluded shall be the town where the headquarters of the Foundation are located.
  1. The Foundation reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions, as it thinks fit. Insofar as, after these amendments, you disagree with the new wording, kindly refrain from using the Website.
  1. If any clause in these Terms and Conditions cannot apply, for any reasons whatsoever, that clause shall be replaced by the legal provision relevant for the case for which the clause had been agreed and as close as possible to the meaning of the unenforceable clause.
  1. Any communications, in order to be valid, shall be made exclusively in writing, to the contact coordinates or by electronic means, to the contact address referred to above.

These Terms & Conditions have been updated on 15 September 2021.

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