On 24th -25th September, 2014, Motivation Romania Foundation organises at IBIS NORD HOTEL, Bucharest, LOOK AT ABILITIES, FORGET INCAPACITY CONFERENCE addressing 100 professionals in Romania, working in organizations providing services for people with disabilities.
The event aims to raise awareness among the disability experts regarding the WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and International Perspectives on Spinal Cord Injury (IPSCI).
The conference is organised within the frame of the project LOOK AT ABILITIES, FORGET INCAPACITY – Implementation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in social inclusion services for Romanian wheelchair users.” carried out by Motivation Romania Foundation and Swiss Paraplegic Research during May 2013 – May 2015. The project is co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.
”Look at Abilities, Forget Incapacity” program aims to raise awareness among professionals in Romania working in the field of disability and to train them regarding the shift in approaching disability from a more complex, ability-oriented perspective.
At the conference will have presentations experts from Swiss Paraplegic Research, Labour Ministry, Medical Rehabilitation Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Health, National Authority for Protecting Children Rights and Adoptions (ANPDCA), National Institute for Medical Expertise and Work Capacity Recovery (INEMRCM), Faculty of Physical Therapy at University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest, Nongovernmental Organizations, other experts and specialists in the disability field, persons with disabilities and their families.
At the conference will be presented the results of the sociological research regarding the wheelchairs and services for wheelchair users in Romania, elaborated by Motivation Romania Foundation in the project “The Wheels of Change Move On – towards appropriate wheelchair provision, sports and accessibility for mainstream participation of Romanians with disabilities” financed by USAID.